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Email us two photos to add you or your child to our PHACE A Special Case campaign during

PHACE Syndrome Awareness Week.

All featured individuals have PHACE Syndrome.

Note about photos in the upper montage...many of those pictures were taken by  Positive Exposure Founder Rick Guidotti.  Click here for a photo gallery of his images from our 2014 conference.

pHACE Syndrome awareness posters 

    We're purely comprised of volunteers,

    and ALL donations go directly to

    helping our cause.

Three Ways to Help


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     Become a member and join the

    PHACE Syndrome Community.

     If you or your child has PHACE

    Syndrome, we can't stress enough

    the importance of joining the registry.

    Note: you do NOT have to give DNA

    samples if you don't wish.

Thank you!

Fresh PHACE Facts:


​Check back daily during the week of Sunday, March 17 through Sunday, March 24 for new PHACE facts each day!


Wear REd March 20


Show your support by wearing red on Wednesday, March 20th in honor of

PHACE Syndrome Awareness week.

Post pictures of you, your family or colleagues (or all!) wearing red with #PHACESyndromeAwareness


Order a t-shirt!


Show your support with a PHACE Awareness T-Shirt. Click here to order yours today!


Click below to watch

Dr Dawn Siegel's informative webinar:

Investigations into the causes of PHACE Syndrome

Click below to watch

Dr. Beth Drolet's informative webinar:

The outcome of PHACE Syndrome

The PHACE Syndrome Community launched the very first PHACE Awareness Week in March 2015!

Over 90 families participated. Today, our community has grown to over 500 members!


Through your help, we can raise awareness about PHACE Syndrome

so that more children get the best treatment,

more families find support through our community,

and someday through more research, we will find the cause of PHACE!

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